How to Overcome Babies Like to Biting When Breastfeeding

Babies like to bite when breastfeeding usually occurs when they are or have grown teeth. Even though it's normal to happen, the baby's habits certainly make many breastfeeding mothers feel uncomfortable. However, this obstacle can be overcome by first identifying the reasons why babies like to bite while feeding.

Causes of Babies Like to Bite When Breastfeeding

There are several reasons why babies like to bite while feeding, including:
  • Teething process
When a baby is teething, his gums will itch. This makes babies look for ways to reduce pain and itching in their gums. One of the ways he does this is by biting the nipples while feeding.
  • Wrong attachment
A wrong latch is indicated when the nipple is between the baby's gums or teeth, without being covered by the tongue. This makes the nipple vulnerable to biting when the baby loosens his suction or changes position.
  • His attention is diverted
As he gets older, the focus of the baby's attention will be more easily distracted. When something catches his attention, the baby will reflexively turn his head so he doesn't accidentally bite the nipple.
  • Being sick
When you have a fever or suffer from an ear canal infection, it becomes more difficult for your baby to suck and swallow. This can make the baby accidentally bite the nipple.
  • The flow of milk is too slow
Babies who like to bite while feeding can be caused by a slow flow of milk, thus making them impatient, especially when they are hungry.

Apart from the reasons above, babies biting while feeding can also occur when babies feel bored, sleepy, want attention, or just want to play.

How to Overcome Babies Like to Biting When Breastfeeding

There are several ways to deal with babies who like to bite while feeding, including:

1. Don't overreact

When your nipples are bitten, you may startle and suddenly scream. This reaction can also make your little one startled, then cry and refuse to breastfeed again.

The way to react is to take a deep breath and stay calm. Slowly tell him that biting hurts you and he shouldn't do it again. Even though your little one doesn't necessarily understand what you're saying, he will understand from the movements you make.

2. Removing the breast

When your nipples are biting, you'll want to withdraw your breasts as soon as possible. However, this can actually make the nipples more interested.

To release the breast, insert your finger in the corner of the baby's mouth and slowly release the nipple. You can also push your little one to your chest, briefly pressing his face against your breast covering his nose and mouth. This method automatically makes him open his mouth and release sucking.

3. Massaging the baby's gums

If your little one bites because he is teething, massage his gums with a clean finger. You can also give your little one a teether toy before or after breastfeeding to relieve itchy gums.

4. Breastfeed in a quiet place

Breastfeeding in a quiet place can reduce various things that can distract your little one while breastfeeding. When breastfeeding, you can give your full attention by making eye contact and talking to him.

When your little one starts to fall asleep, you can try to slowly release the breast from his mouth.

5. Expressing before feeding

If your little one bites because the flow of milk is not smooth, you can try massaging the breast before giving milk. You can also express briefly so that the milk flows, so that your little one doesn't have to struggle while feeding.

Babies like to bite when feeding is a normal thing to happen. However, it is important to take steps to deal with it so that it doesn't become a habit and you are more comfortable when breastfeeding.

However, if you are already experiencing blisters or pain in your nipples, you can treat them by applying special creams, using cold compresses, or breastfeeding on parts of your breast that are not painful.

If pain in the nipples caused by the baby biting while breastfeeding doesn't go away or the baby still continues to bite when being breastfed, you can consult a doctor or lactation consultant to find out the cause and solution.
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